Press Release

Jordan endorses Its first "Urban Policy", developed by UN-Habitat and Local Administration Ministry

14 March 2024

The Jordan National Urban Policy (JNUP) represents a proactive approach towards establishing comprehensive national policies aimed at fostering environmentally sustainable, economically prosperous, socially inclusive, resilient, and well-connected cities and neighbourhoods.

On March 6th 2024, in a historic move considered the first of its kind, the Council of Ministers officially endorsed the first Jordan National Urban Policy (JNUP), developed by UN-Habitat in partnership with the Ministry of Local Administration. This endorsement follows the recommendations of the Services, Infrastructure, and Social Affairs Committee issued on February 26th, and the endorsement of the Steering Committee established within the framework of the regional project, "Sustainable, Inclusive and Evidence-based National Urban Policies in selected Arab States," implemented in four Arab countries by UN-Habitat.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration, Tawfiq Kreishan, explained, "We in Jordan are in the process of establishing a national institutional framework, serving as a reference that guides all ministries, institutions, and agencies involved in urban development, municipal services, and public transportation. This aims to enhance our efforts towards integration, inclusivity, and enrichment of our functional tasks."

Echoing this, the Mayor of the Greater Amman Municipality, Dr. Yousef Al-Shawarbeh, emphasized the significance of this policy, stating: "The Jordan National Urban Policy is considered a historical document, but it requires a national-level planning and regulatory law. For our nation and the future generations, it is our responsibility to adopt this policy and protect it through legislation that safeguards the rights of both the nation and its citizens."

The National Programme Coordinator for the UN-Habitat Jordan Office, Deema Abu Thiab, explained that, at its core, the Jordan National Urban Policy seeks to facilitate transformative, productive, inclusive, and resilient urbanization for the long term. She added, “This endorsement marks a significant milestone in Jordan's journey towards sustainable urban development."

The Jordan National Urban Policy (JNUP) represents a proactive approach towards establishing comprehensive national policies aimed at fostering environmentally sustainable, economically prosperous, socially inclusive, resilient, and well-connected cities and neighbourhoods. In addition to serving as a guiding framework for national urban development, the JNUP acts as an incubator for sectoral plans across various ministries, authorities, institutions, and special administrative regions, including the Greater Amman Municipality, Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority, and the Jordan Valley Authority. The policy also engages relevant stakeholders such as universities, civil society organizations, private sector, donor organizations, and other actors.

The JNUP is aligned with the recommendations set forth in the Economic Modernization Vision, the Public Administration Modernization Roadmap, and the Royal Committee Document for Political System Modernization.

To view and download the Jordan National Urban Policy (JNUP), please click the link here  



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