UNHCR Socio-economic situation of refugees in Jordan Q2 2023

UNHCR Jordan initiated a quarterly analysis of the socio-economic situation of refugees in Jordan, with the main purpose of monitoring changes in vulnerability levels among refugee communities over the four quarters of 2022. Building on UNHCR’s Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) Report conducted in 2021, the analysis takes a sectoral approach in examining the hardships facing refugees, with an in-depth look at the economy. The present report presents the results for Q2 2023. This report is based on the analysis of self-reported data and presents a summary of the key findings concerning refugees in host communities during the second quarter (Q2) of 2023. Additionally, it compares these findings with the quarterly results of 2022 and Q1 2023. Furthermore, this report provides an overview of the main findings for Syrian refugees residing in Zaatari and Azraq camps.