2023 Annual Results Report I UN JORDAN

As we present the United Nations Jordan Annual Report for 2023, I am honored to share insights into our collective journey towards sustainable development in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
This year has underscored our commitment to supporting Jordan's resilience, in a period marked by several global and regional challenges.
The collaboration within the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Jordan, consisting of 29 UN agencies, funds, and programmes, has been pivotal in advancing our shared goals in support of the country’s economic, political and public sector modernization visions.
Together, we have focused on Inclusive Green Growth and Decent Work, enhancing Social Protection and Quality Basic Services, ensuring Sustainable Management and Access to Water and Food, promoting Accountability, Transparency, and Participation, all while steadfastly adhering to our commitment to Leave No One Behind.
This report delineates the strides we have made in partnership with the Government of Jordan, civil society, development partners, the private sector, and national and international NGOs. Our collective efforts aim to catalyze comprehensive and transformative change, ensuring equality, and resilience for all who call Jordan home.
The backdrop of our endeavors has been complex, with the impacts of regional instability, economic challenges, and the recent Gaza war. Despite these hurdles, we have witnessed Jordan's spirit of solidarity, hospitality, and commitment to reform and modernization.
Key achievements in 2023 have spanned a broad spectrum, from bolstering economic and educational opportunities for women and youth to enhancing social protection, from mitigating climate change to strengthening health systems, and from advancing women's empowerment to fostering youth engagement and participation.
As we look ahead, our focus remains on deepening the impact of our work, exploring innovative solutions to persistent challenges, and strengthening our partnerships. The path forward is paved with both opportunities and obstacles, but our resolve to support Jordan's journey towards sustainable development remains unshaken.
We extend our gratitude to all our partners and stakeholders for their support and collaboration.
Together, we continue to build a brighter, more inclusive, and resilient future for Jordan.
Sheri Ritsema-Anderson
Resident Coordinator
United Nations Jordan