Norway and FAO partner to promote the sustainability of food security and decent work opportunities in Jordan
20 November 2022

Amman - The Ambassador of Norway to Jordan, Espen Lindbæck, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representative in Jordan, Nabil Assaf, signed today a USD 1,455,463 million agreement to promote the sustainability of food security and decent work opportunities in Jordan through the Norwegian-funded “Transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-food systems” project, during a ceremony attended by the H.E Ministry of Agriculture, Eng. Khaled Hnaifat.
This initiative targets Jordanian and Syrian Refugees by enhancing their capacities to successfully participate in efficient sustainable agri-food system, building their capacities for decent work opportunities and enhancing the resilience of the target groups to poverty and hunger.
Norwegian Ambassador Espen Lindbæck said, “We are very happy to enter into this new partnership between FAO and the Norwegian Embassy in Jordan. This project, aiming to enhance the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-food systems in Jordan, is highly needed to meet the challenges in the agriculture sector. With this, food security for Jordanians and refugees in marginalized communities will be sustained, and the opportunities for decent work opportunities will be enhanced. We are also very pleased that the FAO will implement this project in close coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, meeting the aims of the Jordanian Government to ensure food security in Jordan and develop sustainable ways of agriculture. In a world that is seeing increased tension and insecurity, national food security, and especially for the most vulnerable, should be on the top of our agenda.”
FAO representative in Jordan, Nabil Assaf, said, “With the agri-food sector in Jordan supporting the livelihoods of about a quarter of the population, there is a greater urgency to address food security. It is one of the largest sources of employment for working-age refugees and women in rural communities.” He added, “The Programme is aligned with FAO-Government Priority 2: Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management. It is also aligned to the Regional Initiatives “Water Scarcity” and “Building Resilience for Enhanced Food Security and Nutrition.”
His Excellency Eng. Khaled Al-Hunaifat affirmed the Ministry's appreciation for the role played by the Norwegian Embassy and the FAO in Jordan in supporting sustainable agricultural systems. He stressed on the need for concerted efforts to serve the interests of citizens in marginalized communities, find opportunities to support rural communities and women in particular, and the need to implement projects aimed at optimal utilization of available water resources, as this project reflects the possibility of integrating activities to achieve food security, preserve water resources, and create suitable opportunities to improve livelihoods.
The project’s overall aim is to contribute to the sustainable achievement of food security among rural Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian hosts, by enhancing their capacity to successfully participate in efficient sustainable Agri-food systems and building their capacities for decent work opportunities as well as advocating for food waste reduction which has a profound effect on sustainbility,food security and rural development through training sessions. As such the project will address the capacity building, assets, financing, and employment needs of the targeted beneficiaries, through a series of activities related to capacity enhancement, asset distribution, access to micro-financing, access to markets, and job creation.
Furthermore, the project will select the beneficiaries based on socio-economic criteria through FAO, CBOs involved in the agricultural/Agri-food value chains, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. The selection will encourage the inclusion of different community categories, including vulnerable; Syrian refugees, women-headed-houses, people with disabilities, and elderly people who are still able to deliver the activities and respond to the objectives of the project. The project will have a particular focus on youth empowerment and enhancing their employment status to ensure sustainable income generation and nutrition status. Overall, the project will target 300 beneficiaries through which 50% will be women, of which 70% will be Jordanians, and 30% will be Syrian refugees in host communities and will create jobs for 300 workers.