UN-Habitat launches new regional project to increase the resilience of displaced persons and host communities in Jordan & Lebanon
01 November 2021
- The project aims at increasing the capacity of local authorities, refugees and host communities in Jordan and Lebanon to better address climate change-related water scarcity.
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme’s (UN- Habitat) Regional Office for Arab States, Jordan Country Programme and Lebanon Country Programme together with the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Water and Irrigation in Jordan, and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (UN ESCWA) launched a regional project titled, “Increasing the resilience of both displaced persons and host communities to climate change related water challenges in Jordan & Lebanon”.
The project of nearly USD 14 million, is funded by the Adaptation Fund and will run for four years. It is implemented in partnership with the governments of Jordan and Lebanon, through their Ministries of Environment as well as other national and local authorities, UN agencies, local NGOs, research institutes, universities, CBOs and private sector.
"Jordan suffers numerous challenges as a result of climate change, many of which relate to the lack of water, as it is ranked the second most water scarce country in the world - The Adaptation Fund project is in-line with the plans and strategies being implemented by the Ministries of Environment and Water and Irrigation in Jordan." said Dr. Mohammed Al Khashashneh, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment in Jordan
"The sustainable water management approach adopted in this project is very important in reducing demand on unsustainable water sources, and we seek to replicate the pioneering adaptation interventions in other regions across the Kingdom later on, through one of the most important components of the project 'knowledge management'. The Ministry is willing to work hand in hand with UN-Habitat, provide the necessary guidance and support, to ensure this project a success. " he added.
In Jordan, the cities of Irbid and Mafraq were selected as the project’s target location due to recurrent droughts, extreme heat and a shift in rainfall patterns have recently become major concerns for these areas. Over the past ten years, both cities witnessed a significant influx of refugees. This has placed additional pressure on pre-existing water scarcity and under-developed water and wastewater infrastructure networks.
“UN-Habitat works to support cities and urban areas to adapt by building resilience and reducing the impact of climate change, creating new economic opportunities and improving the ability to live in safe and just environments,” said Dr. Erfan Ali, Regional Representative of Arab States, UN-Habitat
The launch of this project comes after an inception workshop, with the participation of Jordan and Lebanon’s Ministers of Environment, who will chair respective national project steering committees, with other key stakeholders, in order to outline and endorse the project’s work-plan and implementation process.
“We need to take bolder steps to confront the challenge of climate change and focus on the importance of resilience and adaptation - what the Secretary-General called the forgotten half of the climate change equation without which we have no hope of achieving our common climate goals,” said Dr. Mounir Thabet, Deputy Executive Secretary, UN ESCWA
"The priority adaptation measures in Jordan were selected based on long consultations with national and local governmental entities, key stakeholders and local communities including refugees, they include rainwater harvesting, greywater treatment and reuse systems, upgrading of Al-Maerad, Al-Akaider and Mafraq wastewater treatment plants, efficient irrigation of treated wastewater and a permaculture demonstration site at the Jordan University of Science and Technology campus." said Deema Abu-Thiab, National Programme Coordinator of UN- Habitat Jordan.
"Executing partners with extensive experience in the field of water management in Jordan were selected and will play a huge role in ensuring the sustainability of the project after its implementation, and replication of interventions across the kingdom." she added.
The aim of this project will be achieved through four components: manage urban risks and vulnerabilities, improve awareness, ownership, and capacities to respond to climate change, expand unconventional water harvesting and supply options, using innovative and replicable techniques and improving knowledge and policies and regulations to increase urban resilience in the region.