Excellencies, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen,
Thanks for inviting me today.
I do remember how I opened in November 2021, mid-way into the process, a UPR Forum organized by Nidal Mansour and his team on the UPR. And now we are here. Let me congratulate all of you, members of the four civil society coalitions, and beyond, on submitting reports under the UPR process in July. It has been notable that a number of new organizations including Youth groups engaged in the process which is very welcome. I have also heard of new topics which may have been addressed in the submissions covering the full realm of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, which is welcome considering how all rights are indivisible and interdependent.
I also wish to extend my appreciation to Dr. Khaleel Abdallat and his team for facilitating these recent consultations with the National Center for Human Rights (NCHR), with the Jordan National Commission for Women (JNCW) on women and girls’ rights, with the Higher Council for the rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) on the rights of PWD, consultations at regional level and now this second meeting with civil society at large.
While I know there is still a lot of work to be done before submitting the national report, allow me to already fast forward to after the review when the new recommendations have been received. It will be crucial to continue this path of consultations and dialogue after the UPR review. It will be crucial that all different stakeholders individually but also in consultation dedicate time and effort to elaborate a really good implementation plan with clearly assigned responsibilities, timelines but also human and financial resources to implement the recommendations.
But for now, I wish the drafting team to benefit from all these consultations in finalising the national report. The UN in Jordan and its human rights team stand ready to offer any support which may be needed, between now and the review, and thereafter, and we wish you a fruitful conversation today.