WFP Jordan Country Brief May 2022

In Numbers
975,000 people assisted in May 2023
US$ 13.9 cash-based transfers transferred
US$ 122.4 m six months (June-November 2023) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
In May, WFP provided monthly food assistance to around 456,000 vulnerable refugees in camps and host communities through cash-based transfers. Most refugees assisted come from Syria (96 percent), with a minority from Iraq (3 percent), and the remaining from Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and other countries.
To support the National Financial Inclusion Strategy, WFP is gradually transitioning its cash-based transfers from the use of WFP-owned accounts (e-cards) to mobile money, which is the only refugee-owned account model presently authorized by the Central Bank of Jordan. In May, 30 percent of Syrian refugees in communities and camps (around 135,000 WFP beneficiaries) received assistance through this modality.
To ensure continuous support to refugees across Jordan, WFP worked together with UNHCR through mutual cooperating partner, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), to maintain the helpdesks in the camps. Furthermore, upon the successful pilot of mobile helpdesks in the urban areas of the northern governorates in April, WFP and UNHCR continued their deployment to rural areas of the same region. WFP is also considering expanding to additional governorates in the south.
WFP continued the distribution of 500 metric tons of dates donated by Saudi Arabia. Overall, 117,000 Syrian refugees in camps and 130,000 vulnerable Jordanians and Palestinians in communities will receive dates until June.
WFP is dedicating efforts to improve nutrition, habits and health for women with anaemia and high-risk pregnancies. In cooperation with Caritas and the International Medical Corps (IMC), WFP launched the second phase of the nutrition awareness campaign for pregnant and breastfeeding refugee women in host communities, through Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC), using visual tools and interactive activities. In May, WFP identified and screened women to be enrolled in the programme starting in June. In addition to the counselling, WFP will distribute a cookbook with nutritious recipes using locally available and affordable ingredients, promoting good nutrition habits with simple advice on adopting healthier diets.