UNIDO welcomes 20 fashion designers to the KHAYT fashion design competition
12 December 2022

Amman - Following a widespread call for applications under the “Creative Jordan” project, UNIDO, Garment Design & Training Services Center (GSC), and a coalition of national and international selection panel concluded an intensive screening process to select the 20 designers who will participate in the two seasons of the KHAYT fashion design competition.2022, designing and producing (spring/summer) collections.
2023, designing and producing (autumn/winter) collections.
Following the announcement, the first meeting was held at GSC on Wednesday 11th of November 2022 with the selected designers who will participate in one of the two seasons of the fashion competition to discuss the next steps, including their enrolment in the mentoring program and the competition cycle. The designers will also participate in the business development, export & sourcing and marketing training courses provided by the Creative Jordan project to further develop their knowledge and better understand the requirements and needs of the national and international markets.
Furthermore, led by experts from UNIDO and GSC, the selected designers will undergo a two-month mentoring program to develop their skills and designs. The designs will maintain a line between traditional Jordanian garments, drawings, colors, and contemporary collections to suit national and international markets.
The competition will gather young Jordanian designers and producers, aiming to provide support to the Jordanian designers and assist the producers to manufacture new products for the global markets. “Creative Jordan” will showcase the new collections through an international exhibition and provide a chance for international exposure for both designers and producers.
The goal of the competition is to advance the fashion industry in Jordan through genuine design, creativity, and innovation, as well as improve its competency in the regional and global markets to enhance economic opportunities and job creation in the textile and fashion value chains in Jordan through capacity building and establishing effective linkages between designers and SMEs.
KHAYT fashion design competition is part of the "Supporting the Textile Value Chain to Create Employment and Economic Opportunities in Jordan" project under the name "Creative Jordan", funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership Garment Design & Training Services Center (GSC).