Press Release

United Nations in Jordan launches its 2021 Results Report

22 June 2022

Over the past year, UN in Jordan provided support and implemented programs worth USD 914.1 million

AMMAN (22 June 2022)— The United Nations in Jordan has released its Annual Results Report for 2021, highlighting its humanitarian activities and development interventions under the fourth year of the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDF) 2018-2022 implementation.

The report also features activities implemented by the United Nations in Jordan over the past year, in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and addressing its socio-economic impact and inclusive recovery.

According to the report, the United Nations agencies, funds and programs spent USD 914.1m in 2021 to support humanitarian and development activities and projects across three main priorities:

1-      Strengthened Institutions;

2-      Empowered People;

3-      Enhanced Opportunities;

Under these priorities, the UN worked closely with funding partners, civil society organizations and various governmental institutions to support formulation and amendment to new and existing legislations, policies and strategies as well as strengthening capacity of institutions to enable Jordan to achieve its commitments under the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

The UN also continued creating an enabling environment to enhance individuals’ knowledge of rights, as well as their access to information, education, skills, capacities, and services. Efforts over the past year focused on empowering people to change patterns of behavior, to improve their circumstances and development.

In addition, the UN provided trainings and strengthened economic opportunities with a focus on women and vulnerable Jordanians and refugees.

Other results achieved in 2021 include:

o   Over 2,000,000 Jordanians and refugees were supported with humanitarian and development services.

o   Over 60 policies, strategies, programs and legislations of the Government of Jordan were formulated and/or supported.

o   89,000 people accessed information about eliminating all forms of violence against women

o   2,102,463 community members were exposed to information about women, peace and security, gender equality, gender-based violence, the role of women in society, peacebuilding, and preventing violent extremism.

o   78,688 children received messages on child protection and psychosocial support.

o   425,818 Jordanian and Syrian school children benefited from the School Feeding Program

o   5,286 out of school children supported through the non-formal education program

o   500,000 refugees received monthly cash assistance for food.

o   7,000 individuals benefited from enhanced access to labour market through skills development.

o   62,195 work permits (56,693 males and 5,502 females) were issued to refugees by the Government of Jordan- the highest number since 2016.

o   50 entrepreneurs and small businesses received business incubation training under the “LevelUp Accelerator Program” to support their business development.

The UN allocated USD 441,3 million to support the Government of Jordan in its response to the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 and to help Jordan recovery from the pandemic. In addition, the UN supported vaccine rollout including provision of 436,800 COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX facilities, strengthened capacity of medical staff, and procured hospitals and laboratory equipment and supplies.

In 2022, the UN in Jordan will continue to focus on developing its new Cooperation Framework (CF) for the years, 2023-2027 and bring the current UNSDF cycle to a close.  The new CF will highlight four main priorities: enhanced opportunities for inclusive, gender-responsive green growth; enhanced access to quality social services protection; enhanced national capacity to address responsible, equitable access to and consumption of water, food, and energy; and strengthened accountability, transparency and participation.


More results achieved can be found in the 2021 UN Country Annual Results Report-  Jordan’, accessible on the following URL:

The UN Cooperation Framework (CF):  is informed by national priorities and the UN Common Country Analysis. It outlines the contribution of the UN development system to national partners to reach the Sustainable Development Goals in an integrated manner, with a commitment to leave no one behind, to human rights and other international standards and obligations.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Labour Organization
International Organization for Migration
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Information Centre
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
United Nations Volunteers
World Food Programme
World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative