"Let us all redouble our efforts to achieve equal access for Jordanian women to health, education, employment, and leadership positions"
This year’s International Women’s Day is dedicated to a global call to achieve “gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”.
In Jordan, we cannot achieve a sustainable future for all without first ensuring that women are involved in the steps we take towards it.
The women of Jordan are ready to be involved in changemaking, at all levels.
Women in Jordan are highly educated, and are seeking advanced degrees at higher rates than men. These skills need to transfer over to the job force and to leadership.
Advancing the role of women as agents of change is central to the country’s reform agenda and a key driver for a stronger, inclusive growth, one that utilises the full economic and social potential of the country.
We appreciate the Government’s commitment to gender equality and women's empowerment. We hope that this will be reinforced by a whole-of-government approach, backed by a strong civil society and the private sector, to allow women in Jordan to fully unlock their potential of becoming changemakers.
Let us all redouble our efforts to achieve equal access for Jordanian women to health, education, employment, and leadership positions – and stand with them to realise their full rights and benefits for a prosperous Jordan.
Thank you.