UNIDO launches accelerator program for 50 SMEs, startups
22 June 2021
- The accelerator is part of the larger LevelUp — Advancing Jordanian Industries project aimed at creating decent job opportunities for women and youth.
A partnership led by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) recently launched a business accelerator for 50 Jordanian startups and SMEs.
The program aims to offer businesses access to resources for scaling up, training opportunities, and a gateway to global markets by giving entrepreneurs the chance to pitch their business plans to “world class venture capitalists and investors”.
The LevelUp Accelerator will bring together public and private partners to accelerate entrepreneurship in Jordan by supporting the development of competitive small and medium-sized enterprises to bolster entrepreneurship and provide employment opportunities, especially for youth and women.
“UNIDO’s work in the MENA region supports entrepreneurs, innovators, SMEs, start-ups, and organizations to build game-changing and successful business models to enter global markets,” Bashir Conde, project manager at the Department of Agribusiness UNIDO, said in the statement. “We promote a community of motivated young women and men who see an inclusive and sustainable digital transition as the starting point to enter the global markets.”
The program will target Jordanian startups and SMEs that focus on natural cosmetics, fashion, and phytopharmaceuticals, and it will facilitate access to funding and markets for businesses that promote sustainability, integrate circular economy principles, and employ a digital-solutions driven, design thinking approaches to create human-centered products, services, and experiences.
The accelerator is part of the larger LevelUp — Advancing Jordanian Industries project aimed at creating decent job opportunities for women and youth.
“In partnership with UNIDO, we've designed a 7 months’ learning and acceleration program to help Jordanian entrepreneurs build world class businesses that will create jobs and contribute to the diversification of the Jordanian economy” said Karim Samra, founder and CEO at Changelabs.
The program is being delivered in partnership with Jordan’s Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply and local partners, including Change Labs, Jordan Exports, JEDCO, and Business and Professional Women Amman. The project is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
The LevelUp Accelerator will be launched through a call for applications and three open days featuring interventions from development agencies, experts, and influencers from across Jordan. Startups and scale ups in the targeted industries (natural cosmetics, fashion, and phytopharmaceuticals) in Jordan are invited to apply to the program through Level Up and Changelabs’ websites: (http://www.levelupjordan.org and changelabsme.org).