2022 UN Country Annual Results Report I JORDAN

With great pleasure, we present the UN Jordan 2022 Annual Report, marking the culmination of the UN Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDF) five-year cycle, implemented from 2018 to 2022.
Within this report, we capture notable results achieved in collaboration with the Government of Jordan and the UN Country Team’s (UNCT) key partners, reflecting the impact of our collective work across the three strategic priorities of the UNSDF. These priorities include strengthening institutions, empowering people and enhancing opportunities.
Our shared endeavors have yielded remarkable milestones. From advancing inclusive education and healthcare to promoting sustainable economic growth, our collaborative efforts have positively impacted countless lives in Jordan. By empowering women and youth, strengthening resilience, and fostering social cohesion, we have paved the way for progress and prosperity.
However, our work is far from complete. The challenges we face are complex and call for innovative solutions. The UN remains steadfast in supporting Jordan's development journey, guided by principles of partnership, inclusivity, and sustainability.
As we embark on a new phase, we are invigorated by the potential of our collective efforts. By working hand in hand with the government, civil society, international partners and the private sector, we can drive positive change and unlock opportunities for all. Our path forward aligns with the visionary guidance of His Majesty King Abdullah II and the development priorities of the Government of Jordan.
In this regard, we are in the final stages of crafting a new United Nations Cooperation Framework (UNCF), which will guide our transformative development path forward. The timely establishment of the UNCF coincides with the halfway point of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Amid global challenges such as global conflicts and recovery from pandemic, which affected development gains in Jordan as in the case in the rest of the globe, we are determined to enhance collaboration to accelerate actions and get back on track towards achieving sustainable development.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our partners and stakeholders for their unwavering support throughout this journey.
Sheri Ritsema-Anderson
UN Jordan Resident Coordinator