UNFPA Celebrates International Women’s Day 2023
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Amman - UNFPA Jordan marked International Women’s Day #iwd2023 through promoting the protection of women’s rights in technology-facilitated spaces, in a campaign entitled “Making All Spaces Safe” #SafeSpaces. On this occasion; a range of activities were implemented to raise awareness, including a social media campaign, leveraging mass media outlets and engaging the community highlighting the importance of tackling TF GBV, by amplifying the communities’ voices and promoting their rights in the virtual spaces.
Moreover, and as co-chairs of the GBV SWG, UNFPA and UNHCR conducted a space session to discuss TF-GBV on Twitter with more than 300 users tuning in to the session. GBV SWG has also marked the day in different locations (Zaatari & Azraq Camps, Irbid and Mafraq) through community-engaging activities and joint events to raise awareness of TF GBV & its forms, and how to protect women and girls’ rights in all spaces, to make all spaces safe.
As part of UNFPA's collaboration with AECID, under the “Improving Access to Comprehensive Gender-Based Violence Services in Jordan” project, financed by the EU; a mural was implemented in a Girls' school in Karak engaging art to emphasize women’s solidarity.
UNFPA has also capitalized on its private sector partnership with Zain Jordan in a targeted campaign which has included social media posts, lightening the Building in Purple to mark the day and dissemination of relevant messaging through text messages to network users.