Ten Jordanian SMEs expanding to Europe through UNIDO’s LevelUP Accelerator programme
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Amman - Ten Jordanian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) received the “Champions of Digital Change” award, within the framework of the UNIDO LevelUp Accelerator Programme. The awarded participants will develop their business models further and receive industry-immersion experience in leading European companies.
The LevelUp Accelerator Programme was created to boost the development of the Jordanian private sector in the context of the Covid-19 worldwide economic crisis. It was designed by UNIDO in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry Trade and Supply of Jordan, to help the creation and growth of sustainable and inclusive businesses. The Programme targets top Jordanian SMEs working in natural cosmetics, fashion and garments, and food supplements value chains. It enables access to funding and markets for businesses that promote sustainability, integrate circular economy principles, and employ a digital-solutions-driven, design-thinking approach to create human-centred products, services, and experiences.
The LevelUP Accelerator already wrapped up the first three levels of the program – Gates I, II and III, which included the sourcing, training, and mentoring of enrolled companies. The 10 awarded SMEs are now set to move on to the next level of the programme, Gate IV: Seed to Grow. They will benefit from industry-immersion experiences in leading European corporates, participate in fund raising boot camps and networking events, such as. investor days and corporate days in Europe and/or Jordan.
The accelerator is part of the larger LevelUp – Advancing Jordanian Industries multi-component project funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Jordan in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply of Jordan (MITS).. The programme is implemented in partnership with national and international stakeholders, including Jordan Exports, JEDCO, Business and Professional Women Association - Amman (BPWA), Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Seedstars and Bridge for Billions.