UNOPS, Japan complete first phase of RMS support project
09 August 2020
The project implemented renovation works and equipped the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the King Hussein Medical Centre and its warehouse compound.
UNOPS and the Government of Japan announced the completion of the first phase of “Improvement of Health Services through Operational Capacity Support to the Royal Medical Services (RMS) of Jordanian Armed Forces” implemented by UNOPS, in support of RMS.
The Director for UNOPS Operational Hub in Amman, Muhammad Usman Akram and the Ambassador of Japan to Jordan, Yanagi Hidenao, on Thursday held a meeting to mark the successful completion of the project.
The project implemented renovation works and equipped the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the King Hussein Medical Centre and its warehouse compound. The new facility is functional and is serving patients. It is worth noting that the ambulances and the medical beds that were delivered under this project have contributed to the efforts of RMS and the Government of Jordan to respond to COVID-19 pandemic.
“Japan highly appreciates UNOPS dedication and efforts on implementing the project to enhance the operational capacity of the RMS which plays a critical role in providing health services to the Jordanian population including Syrian refugees. We are pleased to hear that our assistance also contributed to RMS’s nationwide efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19. This year, we renewed our commitment to contribute funding to the subsequent UNOPS project supporting RMS through rehabilitation of the King Hussein Medical Centre including the procurement of medical equipment. We will continue to work closely with UNOPS to improve the quality of and access to health services in Jordan,” said Hidenao.
UNOPS partnership with the Government of Japan in Jordan started in 2014, in support of Jordan's urgent response to the Syrian refugee crisis. Since then, the partnership has delivered critical support to a number of sectors in Jordan, including protection, vocational training, health, countering violence and extremism, and water and sanitation.
“UNOPS long-standing partnership with the Government of Japan in Jordan once again demonstrated its positive impact at a critical time. The support that we jointly extended to RMS came at the right time to support the readiness of the Jordanian health sector to respond to COVID-19 and its unprecedented challenge. We are confident that the ongoing new initiative with RMS, which is also supported by the people and the Government of Japan, will further benefit the population and the nation amidst this challenging time," said Akram.
He also reaffirmed UNOPS commitment to the partnership with the Government of Japan and their efforts to support Jordan, as they address the various challenges facing the country and the broader region at this time.